Do you want to earn extra money posting reviews on our website? Now it is possible!
We invite you to take part in a new contest "Write an interesting review and get up to $2,000" held among users on Write detailed and helpful reviews on brokers and seize the chance to win a money prize.
Every week, we will pick up the author of the best and most interesting comment, who will receive the $500 bonus to their trading account in a brokerage company of their choice.
When posting a comment, please follow these rules:
- A review should be detailed and interesting (authors of long comments have higher chances to win the prize; still the longest post does not mean the best);
- A review should be unique; copying comments from other sources is not allowed;
- Authors of several reviews have higher chances of winning;
- Reviews can be positive, negative, neutral or as a company profile.
How prizes are given:
- The winner will be announced every Friday on the contest web page.
- The victor should contact the contest administration via the form on specifying the theme as 'Bonus for review'. Use the same email address to send both reviews and a bonus request as we check the winner's identity through email.
- The bonus is credited to a verified forex account.
- If the author of the best review does not contact the administration in a week, this bonus will be added to the next prize that will amount to US$1,000. In this way, the bonus could surge to US$2,000.
Write feedback and receive bonuses to your trading account!
Winner of the week
Results of the contest "Leave an interesting review" 14.10.2016.
The winner of this week is joy rjess*** The prize currently stands at 2000$. We are congratulating and asking for contact us during the week.